My Amazon Must-Haves for AP Statistics

Aug 9, 2022 | AP Statistics

I LOVE all in one Amazon lists. They made shopping for supplies so easy, and I get to see what other teachers consider essential in their classroom. This is a small list of my “must haves” for my AP Statistics classroom. I don’t have to get these every year; I just make sure I have them on hand to do all my class activities! Keep reading for some great stuff 🙂

Note: This post contains affiliate links for Amazon. By purchasing an item on the Amazon site using these links, I will receive a small commission on your purchase. This commission does not affect the price of your item.

Easel Pads – These sticky pads are AMAZING. I like to create a lot of class dotplots and these work so well to have everyone come up and stick their dots on. I can keep them on the walls too after the activity is over and refer back to them. Speaking of dots…

Dot Stickers – I use these with the easel pads to create my class dotplots. I’m sure I could make virtual ones as well, but I just love being tactile with the students!

Black Beads and White Beads – I use these beads for various sampling activities throughout the year. This is great for social distancing as well; each student is able to get their own set (I put them in plastic sandwich bags) and they can sample using the beads. How many go in each bag depends on what sampling activity we are doing.

Colorful Dice – I love having dice on hand for simulations! We do a few projects that require some simulations and these are great to have on hand. There is enough in this listing for everyone in my class as well. I use these for all my simulation activities.

Deck of Cards – These cards are great to have for a few different activities! I use them most in the probability units but I have also used them for random assignment at different points in the class as well. Plus, the kids love to play cards for fun too!

Barron’s Review Book – I like having this for my own resource, but I also share this with students as well! Throughout the year, I can pull multiple choice questions or practice problems for various formatives. At review time, I like recommending this to students to have more practice outside of class.


M&M Fun Size Candies & M&M Bulk Candy – These are specific to my activities, but I use a lot of M&M candies. I always buy them at the start of the school year so I have them on hand and don’t have to worry about running to the store the night before an activity!

And just for fun…

MY MUG! I love this and smile every time I look at it.

Do you have any must-have statistics supplies? Comment below and let me know!



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