AP CSP Learning Objectives

Jun 30, 2021

Here is a list of my units, along with the learning targets in each unit.

Unit 1 – Introduction to Computer Science

  • 1A: Students will be able to summarize the key points in the historical development of modern computers.
  • 1B: Students will be able to understand and write algorithms for everyday tasks.
  • 1C: Students will be able to identify the various hardware and software components of a computer.
  • 1D: Students will be able to explain the role of computer languages in computer science.

Unit 2 – Digital Information

  • 2A: Students will understand how binary is used in computer programming languages.
  • 2B: Students will be able to convert between binary, decimal, and hexadecimal representations.
  • 2C: Students will understand how characters, sound, and images are represented inside a computer.
  • 2D: Students will compare data compressions algorithms.

Unit 3 – The Internet

  • 3A: Students will understand how computers are connected into networks and the tradeoffs involved in building different types of networks.
  • 3B: Students will understand how computers are able to send information across a network using the internet protocols and routing.
  • 3C: Students will understand how websites are shared on the Internet.
  • 3D: Students will understand how the Internet has changed data processing and storage with distributed, parallel, and cloud computing.
  • 3E: Students will investigate and describe issues that contribute to the digital divide.

Unit 4 – Big Data and Privacy

  • 4A: Students will understand the term big data and how we use data science to make decisions.
  • 4B: Students will understand how artificial intelligence (AI) uses heuristics and data science to learn.
  • 4C: Students will explain how the use of computing can raise legal and ethical concerns.
  • 4D: Students will describe the risks to privacy from collecting and storing personal data on a computer system.
  • 4E: Students will explain how unauthorized access to computing resources happens and explore ways to prevent it.

Unit 5 – Programming

  • 5A: Students will trace and write code that demonstrates how program code executes commands from top to bottom, including mathematical expressions.
  • 5B: Students will trace through the AP Exam pseudocode to determine program outcomes, including “Robot” problems.
  • 5C: Students will trace and write code that demonstrates how selection (using if and if-else statements) is used to control the flow of a program and its execution, including nested conditionals.
  • 5D: Students will trace and write code involving boolean conditions.
  • 5E: Students will trace and write code that demonstrates how iteration (using while and for loops) is used to control the flow of a program and its execution, including nested loops.
  • 5F: Students will trace and write code that uses procedural abstraction in a program.
  • 5G: Students will trace and write code involving the use of data structures (lists), including sequential and binary searches.

Unit 6 – Social Issues in Computing

  • 6A: Students will use ethical reasoning to evaluate social issues related to computing.
  • 6B: Students will discuss trade-offs between the rights of personal privacy and governments’ concerns with safety and security.
  • 6C: Students will describe cyberbullying and why legal remedies are so difficult to apply.
  • 6D: Students will discuss how social media makes it easier to globally disseminate rumors and false information that can have a profound effect on governments worldwide.



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