Navigating the 2024 AP CSP Exam Changes: Tips and Information

Oct 13, 2023

The changes are here! But don’t panic. I’m here to breakdown the changes that have been implemented for the 2024 AP Computer Science Principles exam and what this means for our students, while also offering some of my own professional opinions too.

Disclaimer: The content and discussions presented in this post exclusively represent my opinions. They are not representative of the College Board’s official standpoint, and the College Board played no part in the development of this blog post. Any quotations and information cited herein are sourced from the updated AP CSP Course Exam Description, complemented by my individual perspective on the information at hand.

First, let’s breakdown what the 2024 Exam will look like:

2024 AP CSP Exam

Multiple Choice Problems (70% of Exam Grade)

  • 57 single select
  • 5 single select with a reading passage about a computing innovation
  • 8 multi-select

Create Performance Task (30% of Exam Grade)

  • Program code, video, and Personalized Project Reference
  • 4 Written Responses related to the Create Performance task
Why the changes??

Why do we need to roll-out changes this year? Essentially, teachers were worried about the effects of generative AI (like ChatGPT) would have on the authenticity of the Create Performance Task written by students. We want the Create PT to accurately reflect student knowledge, and some students find it too tempting (especially when hit with end-of-the-year burnout) to use AI to complete their project, in a way that doesn’t accurately reflect what they have learned in the course.

What is changing?
  • The written response portion of the Create PT from previous years has moved to a written portion on the end-of-year exam.
  • There will be four “written response questions” and they will each cover:
    • Program Design, Function, & Purpose
    • Algorithm Development
    • Errors & Testing
    • Data & Procedural Abstraction
  • In class, students will now have 9 hours (instead of 12) to complete the program code and to record the video of their program working with various inputs.
  • Students will create a Personalized Project Reference (PPR) with screen captured code segments from their programs that involve a procedure and a list.
  • These PPRs will be printed by your AP coordinator prior to exam day and students will use them to answer the four new free response questions.
  • Teachers are able to provide practice written response questions, and help students with those questions, after all students have submitted their program code, video, and PPR as “final” in the digital portfolio.
What is the “Personalized Project Reference”?

Part 1: Procedure

Students will take a screenshot of two program code segments from their Create PT that contains a student-developed procedure that implements an algorithm and calls on that procedure.

  • 1st: Code Segment: Must define the procedure’s name and parameters, the procedure must have an impact on the program’s functionality, and it must implement an algorithm that includes sequencing, selection, and iteration.
  • 2nd: Code Segment: Must show this procedure being called

Part 2: List

Students will take a screenshot of two program code segments from their Create PT that uses a list to manage complexity in the program.

  • 1st: Code Segment: Must show how data have been stored in the list.
  • 2nd: Code Segment: Must show the same list being used to fulfill the program’s functionality

These are the same screenshots that have always been required, but now, they are grouped together and called the Personalized Project Reference. On exam day, the four written response questions (which used to be part of the written response section in the digital portfolio), will be asking students questions about these code segments.

On exam day, the AP coordinator at your school will print and distribute the PPRs to all students taking the exam. They will be printed off for EVERYONE, no matter if the student is taking the test digitally or on paper/pencil.

The code segments that are submitted in your PPR must not have any comments in them. The program code you submit to the digital portfolio absolutely can, but comments must be taken out for these screenshots to the PPR.

Other Changes?

One thing that really stuck out to me with these changes was the ability for teachers and AI to help students now with their Create PT. The College Board has given “Acceptable Generative AI Use” guidelines, that allow students to use AI resources as supplementary tools for “understanding coding principles, assisting in code development, and debugging”. Teachers are also able to give feedback on Create PTs and assist in the written response questions AFTER the students submit all three components of the Create PT to the digital portfolio. These are both big changes that can really help out our students, and I’m looking forward to helping students understand both responsible AI use, as well as help them practice their written responses ahead of time.


The biggest concern I have at the moment is our English Language Learners (ELLs). These students have always found this class very accessible, due to the lack of a written portion on the AP Exam (the written responses in the Create PT could be typed and given a lot of thought before handing it in). Many of these students feel immense pressure when forced to write well-thought-out responses in a set time. I’m hoping a lot of practice beforehand will help these students feel more comfortable, but right now, they are worried.

Future Changes?

In the webinar, a teacher asked if there would be any more changes to the exam moving forward in the next couple of years. Our wonderful presenter said that they don’t anticipate any changes to the exam until the next course overhaul, which is a few years away. The only changes to the exam would be in response to issues that arise from this year’s implementation.

Moving Forward: Resources to Help

Bookmark this page and check back later! I want to provide FREE exam help for the MCQs and the new Create PT, and will be updating this page with those resources once they are created. In the meantime, I would love to hear from you on what YOU as a teacher are going to need in the classroom to help prepare your students. Here are some of my ideas at the moment:

  • A lesson on how to use ChatGPT appropriately
  • A lesson series where you, as a teacher, complete a Python program together with your students according to the Create PT guidelines (and then practice the written responses together too)
  • LOTS of practice written response questions to be used after students have submitted their code

Ideas from collegues:

  • a “worksheet” containing code segments & have students explain what it is doing in English

Can you think of things you will need? Comment below and let me know!

  1. Jeremy McIntyre

    I would love to have lesson on a complete Create PT practice assignment to do with my students. Also, lots of written response question practice. Another thing that would be nice is a step-by-step guide for the 9 hours of the Create PT.

    • kheller137

      I love these suggestions!! I’m going to work on putting together some free resources that do exactly this!


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