AP Statistics Distance Learning Videos

Dec 29, 2021 | AP Statistics

It feels SO GOOD to be writing a blog post again. I have been MIA this 2021 fall semester because of a big undertaking I am now happy to announce I have FINISHED!

AP Statistics Distance Learning Videos are NOW AVAILABLE in my store!

I knew I wanted to provide this resource to teachers, given the incredibly stressful climate we have to teach in. Teachers can now assign these videos to their students as a flipped classroom assignment, as remediable reteaching, or to students who need to get the content, but are not in the classroom due to various reasons that come up due to absences and medical exclusions.

If you are telling me, “SAY NO MORE, give me these now!”, you can travel here to purchase my full curriculum (notes, videos aligned with those notes, homework, activities, etc.) and get these videos for yourself. If you have already purchased the full curriculum, you can head over to “my purchases” on TPT and download the latest version.

If you want to hear more about these videos, keep reading 😊

Every day in the fall of 2021, I would get up at 4:30am, my local time, to record these videos for you, my fellow teachers. {Don’t worry, I’m a morning person by nature!} It was a huge labor of love, but I realized how necessary it was.

✅ Students who are missing class due to COVID or other medical reasons can now catch up on the content that is taught in your classroom.

✅ If YOU are missing class due to COVID, maternity/paternity leave, or other circumstances, you can make sure your students stay on track.

✅ If you are a fan of the flipped classroom model, you can assign the notes “as homework”, so students can watch the videos and fill in the notes on their own time. That frees up class time to work on problems together!

✅ If students need reteaching or to hear the content more, having these videos available for them can take pressure off of you and put the power of reviewing in your student’s hands.

Reasons for Videos

Teachers need help with the content too! I’ve had some teachers reach out to me and say that they use this to teach themselves (both content and the pedagogy) before bringing it in front of their students.

We all need help, and I love giving these to you to simplify your life and to take some pressure off!

The videos purchased in my TPT store contain a PDF of the unlisted YouTube links (meaning only those with the links will be able to see the videos; you cannot search them on YouTube).

I would love to give you a taste of what the videos look like, so here is the video for Unit 6 – Inference for Categorical Data: Proportions. The video is of me teaching the first part of Notes 1: Confidence Intervals for Population Proportions.

Here’s a quick recap for those TL;DR folks:

  • All the videos are aligned with my guided notes
  • Homework assignments follow each set of guided notes
  • The quizzes and tests contain BRAND NEW, never before seen questions

Let me know if you have any questions, in the comments below!



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