Syllabus for AP Computer Science A

Jul 2, 2021

The start of this school year will feel like a breath of fresh air – we are back in person!!!

Sure, there will be changes, but just to be fully in person, in front of students, will feel so good. One thing that has not changed: our syllabus submissions.

Every teacher has different ideas about what a high school syllabus should be/do/accomplish, but at the AP level, we have to submit an approved syllabus for our course to be authorized as “AP”. There are many resources out there about what constitutes a good syllabus in AP CSA, but thankful, as part of the course audit process, the College Board is starting to let teachers claim their CED as their syllabus.

This is such great news; I cannot tell you how long I spent at the beginning of every year, combing through last year’s syllabus, making sure that everything new and updated had been included so that I could submit a syllabus that gets approved on the first submission (a goal I have yet to accomplish). Now, since we can adopt the CED we all know and love, it lets us use the syllabus more as a guide for students.

That leads me into showing you my syllabus for AP Computer Science A! This syllabus is what I give and go over with students on our first day back to school. It gives them a great overview of what this course is all about plus all of my classroom policies and procedures.

Download a FREE copy of my classroom syllabus below!

AP Computer Science A Syllabus

Get your FREE copy here!



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